Next to Christmas, perhaps Halloween can be considered as the next biggest holiday especially for kids. Halloween is all about “trick or treat” and most of the time kids get the treat of plenty of candies. Two years ago, in 2013, the National Confectioners Association conducted a survey just to find out which Halloween candies are the most popular in the U.S.

In the survey, it was found out that the top 5 most popular Halloween candies in the US were dominated by chocolate and is actually 72% of all the candies sold during Halloween. It would seem that nothing still beats the timeless taste and delight that chocolate brings to adults and young children alike. But what are kids hoping to find in their bags actually?

The top 5 Halloween candies that made the list were M&M’s, Kit Kat, Reese’s, Snickers, and Hershey’s. If you want to know more about why these candies topped the list of America’s favorite Halloween candies, there here’s some information that you might want to read.

Halloween Candy Favorite #5: Kit Kat Bar
Thanks to Kit Kat co-promoting with Google, the name “KitKat” is even more popular as an Android operating system. So now you know why the Android O.S. definitely looks like a chocolate. Owned by Nestle, Kit Kat is already a popular chocolate brand available in bars. As of last year, there were about 275 million of Kit Kat bars sold. Did you know? The name Kit Kat is derived from mutton pies – a source of sweet with less sugar and were served at London clubs in the 18th century.

Halloween Candy Favorite #4: Hershey’s Chocolate Bar
For decades since 1903 when Milton Hershey introduced his very first Hershey’s chocolate bar, Hershey’s is one chocolate brand that you’ll never forget thanks to its classic taste. Aside from that, it was Hershey’s who introduced the teardrop kisses which had been a total hit in the market.

Halloween Candy Favorite #3: Snickers Bar
Actually, these bars come in fun sizes which look cute and are very popular among kids. There’s no doubt that Snickers is one of the best and most satisfying chocolate bar there and having a dozen in fun sizes is not just enough. Why not, Mars – which is also the company behind M&M's – created Snickers which might explain why they belong to the top 5 most popular Halloween candies in the U.S.

Halloween Candy Favorite #2: M&M's
Who haven’t heard of the famous tagline “it melts in your mouth but not in your hand”. In this case, M&M's make the second spot as a favorite Halloween candy perhaps because they do not melt easily as most chocolates do. Besides, M&M's has seen to the soldiers of WWII which made them even more popular and kids can testify how the little pieces are very easy to eat – not to mention very tasty too.

Halloween Candy Favorite #1: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Okay so the top 1 who made the list of America’s most favorite Halloween candy is not entirely chocolate but hey, having a whopping sale of 400 million of peanut butter cups last year is testament how popular this candy is. No wonder Reese’s is a popular candy brand, its maker H.B. Reese was onced a dairy farmer and foreman at Hershey’s. Besides, there are plenty of peanut butter cups variety with marshmallow, fudge, caramel, and yes, chocolate so it still deserves the top spot on the top 5 most popular Halloween candies in the U.S.

There are different sports that have important roles in the development of the American society. A lot of sports gained popularity across the United States of America. Values such as justice, fair play and teamwork are earned by Americans because of the famous sports. Racial and social integration have also been contributed by sports. Sports in America really served as social glue to its citizens.

Below is the list of the top 5 most popular sports in the US that greatly helped in uniting the Americans.


When it comes to viewership, the most famous sports in the world is soccer. However, the case is not the same in the United States. Soccer is not the top sports in the US. But it is still one of the famous sports in US. In fact, there were about 380,000 male students and 340,000 girl students who participated in soccer last 2008 based on the US census. The United Stated Soccer Federation, also known as US Soccer, is the governing body that arranges all soccer games in America. Over 13 million Americans are now playing soccer.


Hockey is the short term for ice hockey. The word "hockey" is used by countries with dry field hockey. Ice hockey is most popular in North America and Canada. The most famous ice hockey game in North America is the National Hockey League which serves as the national competition for ice hockey. Ice hockey players of US grabbed its first gold medal in the Olympics game in 1980. The event in 1980 is considered by Americans as their greatest success in ice hockey. The win is now called "Miracle in ice."


The third most popular sports in US is basketball. Basketball is also part of the world's top 10 most followed sport. People all over the globe love to watch the games in America. The National Basketball Association (NBA) in America handles all basketball games in America. American basketball players always participate in the FIBA Basketball World Cup. Basketball's popularity in America increases each day.


Baseball is the the second most famous sport in US. The sport is called as the game of national pastime. The Minor League Baseball and the Major League Baseball are the two levels of competition in baseball. Now, baseball games and events are being conducted worldwide. Because of this, a large number of viewers watch baseball games.
In addition, baseball becomes popular because the game can be played well even by people with average weight and height. Due to that, baseball is also called as "The Democratic Game." Lastly, baseball games are being played in high school and college during spring and summer.


American football is the most popular sport in America. It is also the ninth most watched sport in the world. The National Football League (NFL) handles the biggest American football game. American football is most popular in Texas, Florida, California and in the southern parts of US.
Last 2012, the total number of people who watched each football game in the football stadium is around 67,000. Moreover, 70,000 college athletes and 1.1 million high school students played football in 2012. The total revenue created by the American football games in 2012 was around $10 billion USD.

Truly, the top 5 most popular sports in the US give a lot of benefits to the Americans. The sports do not only enhance the body skills of the players but they also help the players gain the values they need to succeed in the games. So it is not surprising to know that these sports are continuously gaining popularity around the world.
Here in the UK it is becoming easier and easier to source USA food and drink, especially from online retailers. This is not only good news for those USA citizens who have moved over here and miss their home comforts, but for us British people who want to sample a taste of USA but can't make it over the pond for whatever reason!

There are many high profile brand names us Brits immediately associate with the USA, especially when it comes to drinks. There are also types of drinks that we just don't have over here or just aren't popular enough to have entered the collective consciousness, such as root beer.
Here we list the top five drinks from the United States that are now available in this country. 
1. Mountain Dew 
One of the most popular drinks in USA, Mountain Dew is a citrus flavored, caffeinated soft drink made by PepsiCo, though it is a brand in its own right. It was once sold in the UK by Pepsi back in the 1990s but it was pulled due to poor sales. It is a bright yellow-green colour and tastes very sweet. 
Generally sold in cans in packs of one, six, 12 or 24, Mountain Dew is also available in Diet form, Code Red (cherry flavour) and Voltage (raspberry and ginseng).


If you want to satisfy your morning hunger then scrambled egg is the best choice, it can be eat with veggies, meats and cheeses. If you want make omlate out of scrambled egg than it is easy, but the best forms of scrambled egg is bacon and salsa laden breakfast burrito. One research found that people who eat scrambled egg in the morning then the person will less hungry at the time of lunch. Scrambled egg is one of the best breakfast in the US because it is easy to cook and easy to eat.


If you want strong foundation for rest of the day then biscuit and gravy is good selection for breakfast. Many families in the US love to eat biscuit with gravy. Gravy over a fresh biscuit is not like scrambled egg but hit you like a bricks. Many people love to eat buttermilk biscuit and gravy. There are many ways to make bucketed and it is easy to make, and the gravy is loaded with sausage. Do you want testy food in the morning? Do you want to start your day with healthy and testy food? Then biscuit and gravy will make your wish true.


You are in hurry and no time for make the breakfast then the leftover pizza in the refrigetor is really nice choice, just take it and eat it. Many US people doing this thing to start their day. You read right, in the fast growing world many people have no time to make breakfast and complete their important need, so many US people just grab the leftover pizza, as it is do not need to make and it is really easy to eat and you can eat while when you hurry.


Sometime to move up in the morning with sugar is the best choice, pancakes come with fruits and chocolate, many children in the US love to start their day with pancakes. It is one of the delicious items to start a day. If it mix with bananas and blue barriers then it’s make best test. It is better then eggs and biscuits, it comes with various variety and filling with various ingredients like jam, fruited, chocolate chips and meat. It filled with jam, cream chocolate and many other ingredients can be used.


One more food if you are in hurry, it can be eat with your hands, it can be served for dessert and, best way to start your day. It is more appropriate than any other breakfast and it is good way to make friend at work. It is one the healthiest food and it is easy to eat that you can eat with your hands. When you wake up in the morning and looking for healthiest breakfast then you can select daunts. It comes with various combinations of Egg, English muffins, bagels, cheese, and ham, and sausage, on Texas toast.

Enjoy your breakfast, you have all you need to know in the above description. Thanks for reading!
All over the world America is the hobby center of the world. A lot of money is always spent yearly on hobbies. From old time microscopy to whittling, Americans are known for their hobbies’ appetite. Ideally, more than a thousand hobbies interests them. It has been noted that American like relaxation and amusements. These, they do to seek relief from every day’s strains of uncertain future. 
Here are the top 5 most popular hobbies that in the US.
Not only in America but all over the world fishing is a very popular hobby. In fact, people do not feel intimidated by bad weather or any other difficulty. It helps them to spend time well and also rewards them in living a very tasty and a healthy to life.

Yes, you guessed it right, according to records you will find that it is book reading that has topped the charts. Not only in America, but thousands across the world are in great love with books and pursue book reading as a serious hobby. Book reading gives them a great type of reward in addition to all the information that they derive. While some read for information others read purely for pleasure.

Approximately 100 million dollars is spent each year by Americans whose hobbies is stamp collection. The number of these Americans is approximated to be around 2 million. In fact, the post office department sold close to 4million dollars worth of stamps to new Americans stamp collectors. This sum indicated almost a clear flat profit for them. Stamps collection is one of the hobbies that are being practiced by the majority of Americans.

Well, in case you are in doubt the popularity of music in America then you are not far from lying. It gives joy and pleasure to Americans and also helps them to get into professional music. More so, music amuses those who like listening to it so much. It is counted as one of the most practiced hobbies in America. Nevertheless, music varies from one individual to another. Some of them love pop music, others reggae and yet others like soft music.

Although this might surprise you, bird watching is also counted as one of the most liked hobbies in America. Although most Americans go into bird watching to enjoy themselves some also learn about the great species of birds that exists. Birds, due to their colors and nature provide great harmony. The majority would rather go for bird watching to enjoy and only a few prefer it for learning.

Besides, fishing, reading, stamp collection, listening to music and bird watching, which are the top 5 most popular hobbies in the US, there are several other hobbies that Americans often like to get involving themselves in. These include woodworking carving, furniture making, and restoration. But again, you should note that a hobby varies from one person to another depending on tastes and preferences. Apparently, Americans have been touted as those who take hobbies seriously.